1. | WAYA Facility: WAYA Lobby, Offices, Bratton Gym, Old West Gym, Old East Gym, & WAYA Playground) | Facility Hours: Mon - Fri 9:00AM - 9:00PM, Saturday 9:00AM - 7:00PM, Sunday 12:00PM - 7:00PM |
1. | WAYA Preschool | Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri 8:00AM - 2:00PM |
2. | Harold Brumley Field | Activities: Baseball, Flag Football, Lacrosse, Soccer |
3. | Sammie Joseph Field | Activities: Little League Baseball |
4. | Sand Volleyball Courts | Activities: Sand Volleyball |
1. | Neal Kocurek Field | Activities: Little League Baseball, Girls Slow Pitch Softball |
2. | Curtis Bishop Field | Activities: Little League Baseball |
3. | Scotty Sayers Field | Activities: Little League Baseball |
4. | Dick Chalmers Field | Activities: Boys Lacrosse, Girls Lacrosse, Flag Football, Soccer |
5. | Jenna & Randy McEachern Field | Activities: Boys Lacrosse, Girls Lacrosse, Flag Football, Soccer |
6. | Hub Bechtol & Tom Harper | Activities: Baseball, Flag Football, Lacrosse |
Rental of any or all of the gyms at WAYA includes exclusive use of the rented gym space for the time designated. Only WAYA members are allowed to rent our facilities. All activities and supervision of activities are the sole responsibility of the renter.
For more information please visit our Facility Rental page!
"If you can see it (lightning), flee it (take shelter). If you can hear it (thunder), clear it (suspend activities)."
When you first see lightning or hear thunder, suspend activities and go to shelter. A metal vehicle or a substantial building is a safe place. Wait until 30 minutes after the last observed lightning or thunder before resuming activities.
If play needs to be canceled, the Team Parent and or Coach should contact all of the players' parents to inform them of the cancellation and have them picked up immediately.